Verge Exercise Brand
The Process:
This was my first pass at a verge branded protein bar. There's a lot wrong with it, It's very bland, poorly designed, and the text is way too close to the edges. I wanted the text at the bottom to look like abs, but it ended up not working out.
This is when I shifted to having the flavor indicated on the right and the text on the left, the texture idea was cool but it wouldn't work well with other flavors. Text has much better hierarchy.
This is the final design for the protein bar. The design elements on the left go in front and behind the V to be more interesting and the flavor image is no longer one color and has a shadow for depth. The drop shadow on the flavor text has been removed as it took away from the readability and didn't mesh well with the rest of the text.
This was my first pass at a verge branded protein bar. There's a lot wrong with it, It's very bland, poorly designed, and the text is way too close to the edges. I wanted the text at the bottom to look like abs, but it ended up not working out.
Verge is a conceptual branding project for a company I worked at. The Idea behind the name was to push yourself to the verge of greatness. I also wanted to incorporate grit into the branding since grit means resolve or strength of your character, which is required when pushing yourself while exercising.